© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de

175 years Hambacher Fest

The Hambach Castle – an exhibition on the occasion of the 175 year celebration of the Hambacher Fest.

Kästenburg, Maxburg, – three names stand for a complex that has been rebuilt, expanded and redesigned several times over the course of about 1.000 years. As a symbol of freedom, democracy and national unity, the Hambach Castle is today a household name. The Hambacher Fest, which took place on May 27, 1832 in and in front of the castle ruins, is regarded as the first major political popular assembly in German history. But little was known about the long history of the plant. The medieval castle, built in the time of the Salier and Staufer, was considered lost.

In collaboration with Berlin based design company adlerschmidt Berlin, I designed 7 models showing the different epochs and construction levels of the Hambach Castle. The models, in dimensions of 60x60cm and 90x90cm were milled into the materials Corian and wood.

On the basis of historical drawings, engravings, plans and own research with measuring and photographs I developed a design language for historical details. In collaboration with historians it was possible to rebuild historical construction levels, which were shown in the exhibition for the first time in the hisotry of the castle.

I also created animations explaining the history of the castle – including a colorcoding for the motiongraphics and the exhibition guidance.

Commisioned by adlerschmidt and Christian Lutsch Kommunikation

My roles:  3D modeling, animation, art direction, production

© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de


The Hambach Castle I - from 1400 until today

An animation about the chronological development with historical documents.

The Hambach Castle II - from 1200 until today

An animation about the chronological development of the castle from 1200 until today.

The Hambach Castle III - Modernisation and Expansion 2005 - 2018

An animation about the redesign development and new construction including landscape and the park of the castle.

More Projects

© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
Work - Meaning and Care
Multimedia installation "Goods Money Pleasure" – Exhibition "Work. Meaning and Care" @ German Hygiene Museum
© Christian Frey, www.christianfrey.de
A 3D traffic and navigation system and a heads-up display design system and user interface for flying cars